Journey to Heaven - A simple 3D platformer

Hello! Journey to Heaven is a small prototype, and my submission to the Game Jam 2022

This is my first time participating in a Game Jam, and my first real project in Unity so... bear with me.


  1. W, A, S, D or the arrow keys for movement.
  2. Space for jumping (you have a double jump).
  3. ESC for pausing the game.

About the Game:

You play as the soul of a recently deceased human on their journey to Paradise. Along the way to your eternal rest, you must dodge and escape from the demons who want to poke you with their tridents and drag you to Hell. It's very simple, really.

Known bugs and issues:

  1. No sound or music.
  2. Sometimes the character's animation will stop in place. Moving or jumping a bit on a solid surface fixes this.
  3. Sometimes moving cloud platforms don't carry the player character along and he falls. If this happens, try moving with the cloud.
  4. The buttons on the pause menu don't work on the second level, but you can still resume the game by pressing ESC again.


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It's a really good game I like the style but I can get stuck on clouds mybe you could fix it by giving the player character a physic material everything else is cool just a little hard for me